Keep your options open, Support Naturopathic Doctor's : Dr. Miki's Natural Kids Blog

A virtual recipe box brought to you by Dr. Miki's kitchen or by patient's just like you.    

The goal is give you a healthy go to idea when you need one.  Make meal choices easier and healthier. 

We will be getting a book shelf soon to stock some of our favorite resources.  Books will be available for clients to check out.  

Our new patient specific page, where you will be able to log in to Natural Roots Medicine and download handouts specific to your needs.   You will be able to look as needed or you may have specific handouts recommended for you at each office visit.     
Natural Roots Guide and Info Resources 

Coming Soon!!!! 
Our Quarterly 
Natural Roots Guide

In this issue; Forbidden Rice, Stuffed bell Peppers, Heart Health, Fitting Your Kids For a Bike. 

Botanical Medicine

Phytotherapy or plant medicines are used as teas, tinctures, poultices and capsules. Medicinal plants are safe and effective for enhancing the immune system and treating illnesses. 


Constitutional hydrotherapy uses sine wave and hot/cold water to facilitate healing.  It increases circulation, blood flow, organ function and immune response.  It treats infection, inflammation, and is vital for cleansing.


Homeopathy is a safe treatment option for acute and chronic illness.  Homeopathy helps your body start the healing process with a "like cures like" approach, a similimum.  A Naturopath takes characteristics specific to each patient to find their correct remedy.

Clinical Nutrition

Nutrition consultations. We correct deficiencies and malnutrition by applying "food as medicine" as well as pharmaceutical grade supplements to provide balance and optimal health.  We teach better ways to eat for weight loss management and metabolic efficiency.

Innovative Laboratory Testing

Conventional and specialized testing provides
us with valuable information on our patient's. 
We offer food allergy, heavy metal,
gastrointestinal function testing and other specialized tests. 

Schedule a Consult
Meet Dr. Miki  to find out how natural medicine will help your family.       (by appointment only)
Make a change today and benefit tomorrow!

Start early with Natural medicine and proper nutrition to keep your children healthy as can be on their road to life.

We all get old, but starting while we are young has a more dramatic inpact on your health.  It does mean a little work, but together we make it as easy as possible. 

Dr Miki's Daily must do's today!!!!  Every day goals....

*Fill your water container for the day, so you remember to drink and take it everywhere you go. 
*Must eat  plenty of protein for breakfast and dinner!!!
*Must have 1 cups of berries or antioxidants daily, of beans or legumes and nuts or 3 tbs of nut butter.  
*Avoid all white foods ( white bread, sugar, potatoes...)
*Don't eat the same foods today, that you had yesterday.  

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Natural Roots Medicine: Naturopathic Wellness Center 

Naturopathic Doctor with two locations to serve you:  Locations in Orange County and Los Angeles County 

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Keep your options open, Support Naturopathic Doctor's

by Dr. Miki Finlayson, Naturopathic Doctor on 05/14/12

Naturopathic Doctors provide intramuscular therapies and intravenous therapies with an array of benefits to our patients. If you would like to maintain your right to receive such therapies, please help us ensure state laws to do so.

Support SB1446 our hearing is May 17th.

Support naturopathic medicine by writing, calling or emailing your california congressman or congresswoman today! 

Find your senator here or a

You may use this template: 

Senator _____
Senate Business, Professions, and Economic Development Committee
State Capitol, Room _____
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: Support SB 1446 (Negrete McLeod)

Dear Senator _______,

I am writing in support of SB 1446 (Negrete McLeod). This bill will clarify the existing law regarding the practice of naturopathic doctors.

The Naturopathic Doctors Act, SB907 (Burton, 2003), licensed naturopathic doctors (NDs) in the State of California. The intent of SB907 was to allow naturopathic doctors to independently administer nutritional therapy by intramuscular (IM) and intravenous (IV) routes. However, conflicting federal regulations regarding IV therapy has resulted in legal ambiguity. Under federal regulation, all injectable solutions must be labeled as "prescriptions" regardless of their chemical composition (even if they are vitamins and minerals). Existing law requires a naturopathic doctor to have a supervising MD or DO when prescribing drugs (with the exception of hormones, which NDs may prescribe independently). As a result, there is confusion about the ability of a ND to provide IV nutrients without a supervising MD or DO.

SB1446 would clarify the original intent of the Naturopathic Doctors Act by specifying that naturopathic doctors may independently prescribe substances (such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids) that would not ordinarily require a prescription except that they become a 'drug' because of the route of administration (IM or IV). SB1446 does not alter the scope of practice for naturopathic doctors; it simply clarifies the original statute.

I am a [state your desire and experience for Intramuscular and IV therapy]

For these reasons, I ask for your support of SB 1446 (Negrete McLeod).

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Naturopathic Wellness
 27001 La Paz Rd. Ste 292
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
* * for both locations 
 (949) 388-8117

2769 W Broadway, 
Eagle Rock, CA 90041

  * * for both locations 
Main Office(949) 388-8117 | Front Desk (949)916-6980